Monday, May 13, 2013


The Landis Valley Museum's Herb and Garden Faire is one of my favorite local gardening events.  It holds lots of interest to me since I've been participating in this event for three years now.   It also holds interest to backyard gardeners in search of organic and unique heirloom edibles.
 The faire is held each year during the Mother's Day weekend which makes it easy to remember.  If you didn’t get a chance to attend the Faire this year -I encourage you to go next year.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013


2013 Landis Valley Herb & Garden Faire

Its that time again.  The Landis Valley Herb & Garden Faire.   Design By Nature will be a vendor.  Look for our Booth. 

Dates Of Event: Friday and Saturday, May 10-11
Times of Event: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM A great event for both gardeners and non-gardeners! Enjoy strolling the grounds, shopping the stands of 80+ vendors of herbs,perennials, annuals,natives, vegetables - including lots of heirloom tomatoes, and garden art.

Get great garden advice from the experts!

On Friday, May 10th, we welcome Pat Brodowski,Vegetable Gardener at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, in Charlottesville, Virginia.

On Saturday, May 11th, we welcome back Mike McGrath, host of the nationally syndicated Public Radio show, You Bet Your Garden.

Please check WWW.LANDISVALLEYHERBFAIRE.ORG for more in-depth speaker information, our vendor list, images, and more!

Cost for Event: $10
Contact Person: Visitor Center
Contact Phone: 717-569-0401

Monday, March 11, 2013

Edible Container Gardening Resource

Edible Container Gardening Resources

It’s been slow on the posting front, as I’ve had the winter blues but  have become more inspired as the weather begins to warm up.  

I’ve been serfing the web for great container gardening-related resources, and thought I’d share some of the great sites I have found with you.

Here are the websites Ive come across so far.    


The following website provides a 
Great list of specific vegetable varieties well-suited for container gardening.  This website 
has a good chart (scroll to bottom) showing the minimum container sizes for various vegetables.

I will post more sites as I come across them. 

Happy Gardening